You can become a member of WOCT from as little as £1
- Support your local community bus operator
- The right to attend our AGM and put forward your points of view
- Vote for election of directors
- Have a say in the way your local bus service runs and operates
By becoming a member we expect that you will support the objects of West Oxfordshire Community Transport Limited which are to provide public transport facilities for people within the West Oxfordshire community where they are most needed; specifically for elderly people, people on low incomes or those with disabilities, people with young children or those living in isolated areas.
Please click here to buy your shares with WOCT and then you must complete the application form for membership (below) and you will need to apply for at least one share in the Society at a value of £1.
Sections with a * need to be filled in. You can read our Terms and Conditions, and privacy statement here.
If you prefer, you can download a copy of a printable form here.
Why join us ?
As a community benefit society West Oxfordshire Community Transport Limited is a not for profit organisation run primarily for the benefit of the community at large and has democratic decision-making built into its structure. As a member you can be involved in making the decisions which affect how we operate by voting on a range of matters at our annual meeting and electing our board.
All members are encouraged to participate in general meetings and take an active interest in the operation and development of the Society and its business. Member’s share capital provides us with valuable working capital and enables us to invest to provide a better service. Members have a duty to respect the confidential nature of the business decisions of the Society. If you invest in us the Society has the power to pay interest on members’ share capital (subject to sufficient funds being available). It cannot distribute surpluses to members in the form of dividends. West Oxfordshire Community Transport Limited has a statutory asset lock, which has the same strength as the asset lock for a charity and for a community interest company. This means that we have a rule within our governing document (‘The Rules’) stating that if the society is dissolved, any residual assets must be transferred to another charity with the same or similar charitable purposes. A copy of the Rules is available on request from the Secretary.
Wouldn’t you like to be a part of that?
Join us for as little as £1;
Share in the decisions affecting your local public transport provider.
West Oxfordshire Community Transport Limited is registered in England & Wales as a charitable
Community Benefit Society No. 7458 under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Society Act 2014