There are a few different options if you’d like to join us :
– Join our team as a volunteer
– Become a Full Member of WOCT
Join The Team
We have a paid, part-time Administrator – to make sure some of the day to day tasks are kept up to date. However, we still have a range of tasks and responsibilities undertaken by volunteers. We would love more people to join our team. There is scope for helping out with practical things – stuffing envelopes, putting up timetables, helping with passenger surveys, cleaning the buses etc. We also require people with office/managerial skills, e.g. communication technology, membership development as well as anyone with mechanical and electrical skills to help in our bus yard.
If you think you have some skills and experience which might be useful please get in touch.
Bus Users Group
We would like to open up a two-way channel of communication with our passengers. We are keen to get formal feedback from our passengers about issues related to the performance of our services, for example : Where we could do better? What are we good at? Where can we ‘tweak’ things a little?
We would also welcome the opportunity to hear feedback on any proposals or suggestions we may have.
As a member of this Bus Users’ Group, we hope you will feel involved in what we are doing by helping to improve the services we offer.
To join, you will need to be:
· a user of our bus services
· available to meet every 3 months, for around 1.5 hours
· able to commit for twelve months
Meetings will take place at our offices on Windrush Valley Road, Witney. You can get involved by simply filling out the form below :
To find out more, contact us or call 07395 515470.
If you prefer, you can download a copy of a printable form here.